Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dedicated hosting, paid hosting or free webhosting?

This can be crucial question. Dedicated hosting offers great protection but this solution can be a little expensive.
FREE hosting is not absolutely free because nothing is absolutely free.

Which one web hosting is the best for me? Yahoo hosting or some free service?

Quick overview:

Dedicated hosting:
- DDOS, worms, viruses, hackers protection
- Remote control
- HIGH connectivity, bandwidth, monitoring, statistics, etc. included
Price: USD60-USD200+ per month

Shared paid hosting:
- affordable solution for many websites
- different providers offer different bonuses: stats, scripts, pluggins, etc...
- not so secure solution as dedicated hosting
- usually FREE domain if you pay for one or more years
Price: USD3-20+ per month

FREE web hosting:
- you do not pay for similar service but hosting provider will place his advert on your site
- very low bandwidth
- you risk your site will be off because no visitors (not shown banners) or because too many visitors (crossed bandwidth limit)
- low uptime

Recommended hosting companies:

11.95/month - Yahoo hosting
Google hosting??? (future)
7.95/month - iPowerWeb hosting

Tip: common paid hosting can be suitable for many websites. Dedicated hosting is the best solution for ecurrency, investment, insurance, data collecting and similar websites.
FREE hosting? I recommend for testing / learning purpose only. Search for reviews on the internet.


Anonymous said...

Yahoo is the best.

Anonymous said...

The best hosting is Bluehost or Lunar pages.